Tuesday, June 28, 2005
NOOOOOOOOOO! Cutting It, BBC1, 9.00pmNoooooooooooooo! Oh no! You can't do that. You can't. Really, we mean it, you just can't do that. We absolutely forbid it. If we turn on our telly at 9pm tonight and even suspect you are going to do that, we will get up and put our foot through it. Do you understand? YOU. WILL. NOT. DO. THAT. That will not happen. Something else will happen. Not that. NOT THAT. Noooooooooooooo!
By Paul :: Post link
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do what?
By 2:12 pm
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Crikey. Even with your warning, I didn't see that coming. But then that's one of the reaons I love Cutting It so much. But life without Ali? Surely it's not worth living. And we don't even know if she got the all clear.
One odd thing though - knocked down by a bus right outside the hospital, yet no efforts made to get any help. Hmmm...
By 9:27 am
, atShe looked like a duck.
By 10:13 am
, at