Friday, March 18, 2005
All the TV that's mad, bad, or just a little bit evil for Friday. Our Tiny Tanya Turner ratings
show just how low each show goes – the more Tanyas a show scores, the more mental it is.
» FETCH! Girls In Love, ITV1, 4.30pm
We have to admit that we're quite big fans of this show, even if we're probably not quite in its target demographic. There's a rift forming between the group today, after their no-dates resolve weakens with the arrival of a selection of buff hotties. We can relate to this particular problem: we've had a no-dates policy with rather a lot of boys ourselves. Almost all of them, in fact.
» SKETCH! The Two Ronnies Sketchbook, BBC1, 9.00pm
Admitting that we're really looking forward to this is really going to give our age away, isn't it? Oh well, never mind. Messrs Barker and Corbett get back behind the desk to introduce a selection of their favourite material from their series in the ye olde television archives. We're looking forward to the four candles/fork handles sketch, and the one where Ronnie Corbett's specialist subject on Mastermind is answering the previous question. Try to ignore the fact that Katie Melua is the musical guest.
» LECH! Nathan Barley, Channel 4, 10.00pm
We're still a little indecisive as to whether we "get" this series or not, but tonight is make-your-mind-up time as the run comes to an end. Nathan manages to blag his way into Claire's interview with a TV commissioner (heaven help us all), and Dan is plotting Nathan's ultimate downfall. Just like he's been doing every other week, basically, only with the scope for a little more success tonight, it being the series finale and everything.
» Is there something we've missed? Click on the comment link to share your tips.
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