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All the TV that's mad, bad, or just a little bit evil for Friday. Our Tiny Tanya Turner ratings show just how low each show goes – the more Tanyas a show scores, the more mental it is.
» YAY! 29 Minutes Of Fame, BBC One, 9.30pm
For those of us who are suffering celebrity fatigue (that's pretty much all of us, then), a celebrity quiz with a difference. Yes, it's a celebrity-based panel game, but in this one you're as likely to get a question about JS Bach as one about Jordan. Add to the mix the fact that it's hosted by Bob Mortimer and we're expecting greatness from this. Shooting Stars-like greatness, if that's not too much pressure.
» GAY! The Keith Barret Show, BBC Two, 10.00pm
Helping to make Friday night just that little bit gayer, Keith is joined on the sofa by makeover kings (queens?) Colin and Justin. A poster on our messageboard went to see this episode being filmed and promises us innuendo and "aww" moments aplenty. And if you're wondering what that noise is, it's the audience services department at the BBC clenching as they prepare for another onslaught of complaints about the corporation daring to allow gays on telly acting just like normal people. The cheek, indeed.
» MELEE! Bill Bailey: Part Troll, Channel 4, 10.35pm
Friday night seems to be fast becoming stand-up night on Channel 4, with Peter Kay last week, and now it's Bill Bailey's turn. You could argue that it's quite lazy programming, but then you could argue that it's a chance for the masses to get to see a show that was by most reports inventive and very funny. Besides, we just haven't got it in us to say anything mean about Bill Bailey because we love him.
» Is there something we've missed? Click on the comment link to share your tips.

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