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Two weeks into 2005, and we still haven't managed to start our detox. Maybe we should wait till spring. While we cast a determined eye over the remainder of the festive cheeseboard, why not take time to peruse these amazing facts about Friday, January 14:
» Three years ago, Prince Charles was praised for his handling of Price Harry's cannabis smoking and underage drinking by Prime Minister Tony Blair, as well as drug support groups. "Take your mind of it by getting creative in the dressing up box, son," Prince Charles may have said (but didn't).
» On the same day, President George W Bush was said to have made a full recovery after choking on a pretzel, falling off a sofa, bruising his lip and scuffing his cheek while watching American football on television.
» It was reported five years ago that Spice Girl Emma Bunton asked for several questions to be removed from a pre-recorded interview for Channel 4's The Priory. They included "Do you have to be nice to Geri for legal reasons?" and "Did Chris Evans ask you out?".
» Rumours today in 2002 suggested Pop Idol finalist Rosie Ribbons would replace Kym Marsh in doomed pop band Hear'Say. On the same day, the group picked up Brit Award nominations for Best Pop Act and Best Single. Aw, we can't help but feel a little sad at what might have been . . .
» It's a year since Michelle McManus was at number one with All This Time. Aw, we can't help but feel a little sad . . . etc.
» It's 10 years since Cotton Eyed Joe was number one. We'd have been married, if it wasn't for that fucker. A long time ago!
» Happy birthday to: Former Nirvana musician Dave Grohl (36), and American actor Jason Bateman (36), who of course we all remembert for his role in the sequel to Teenwolf. And particular mention goes to Faye Dunaway, who's 64 today. She may have had starring roles in The Thomas Crown Affair and Bonnie and Clyde, but we remember her best for being moody and fabulous in Supergirl.

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According to Marxist theory, cultural forms such as opera, classical music and the literary works of Shakespeare all fall under the heading of high culture. Low culture refers to a wide variety of cultural themes that are characterised by their consumption by the masses. We might not be Marxists, but we do know we loved Footballers Wives. If you do too, you'll know what this is all about.

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