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All the TV that's mad, bad, or just a little bit evil for Monday. Our Tiny Tanya Turner ratings show just how low each show goes – the more Tanyas a show scores, the more mental it is.
» INVENT! Geronimo!, BBC Two, 6.30pm
This one looks an odd'un - from what we can tell, it appears to be Scrapheap Challenge but without the scrapheap. Fearne Cotton and the fabulously-titled Dick Strawbridge are our hosts, and today they're leading teams to make an amphibious machine to race across the sea and the beach alike at Blackpool. Sounds fun.
» LAMENT! Coronation Street, ITV1, 7.30 & 8.30pm
Katy shows EastEnders' Zoe exactly how you should carry out a plot to ensnare your boyfriend for good by getting pregnant - see, Zoe, it helps if you actually remember to conceive a child. Tonight Katy breaks the news to Martin, but his reaction is not quite what she hoped. We can't say we blame him - he's probably worried the poor foetus will contract the same morphing-into-an-entirely-different-person-at-puberty disease that affected all of Gail's children.
» REPENT! Battlestar Galactica, Sky One, 8.00pm
Despite our growing fondness for sci-fi, we never quite managed to get into this particular show, but that doesn't mean it's not worth a look. It's the beginning of a two-part series finale, where the team think they might just have stumbled across the mythical planet of Kobol, from where human life is said to have originated. Expect a giant cliffhanger before very long, otherwise it wouldn't be much of a season closer, would it?
» Is there something we've missed? Click on the comment link to share your tips.

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