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Amazing things about Thursday, May 6:
» Hooray! Boy George appeared in an episode of the A-Team on this day in 1986. Our recollections are fuzzy, but we remember George helping Murdoch dress up as pregnant woman "Not that hat; it loses your eyes" and the whole gang clapping along somewhat uncomfortably to a rendition of Karma Chameleon at the end.
» A postman bitten on the knackers by a dog was awarded £4,750 in compensation four years ago. But it's not clear who had to deliver the cheque.
» Boo! Gondoliers were forced to stop singing to their customers in 1996 following a ruling that if they sang they would be classed as freelance musicians, and liable for state pension contributions.
» It's 10 years since the Channel Tunnel opened. Or the Chunnel. Or whatever it's called these days.
» Happy birthday to Australian actor Alan Dale, who for some reason we detested as Jim Robinson in Neighbours* (57); and Roseanne star George Clooney (43). Okay, he's been in a few other things as well.
» Unrelated fact of the day: Grasping your ears is a sign of repentance or sincerity in India, and appreciation in Brazil. Or keeping them warm in Scotland.
*mainly for the fact the show always cut to scenes of him sitting in the kitchen just in time for the punchline of a joke, e.g. " . . . so then there WEREN'T any left! Ha-ha! Anyway, Todd, where are you off to in such a hurry?"

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