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It's the morning after for Todd in tonight's Coronation Street, as he's finally given in to his lust for cock and spent the night with pushy gay boy Karl.
Top marks to Corrie for their handling of this storyline – they haven't put a foot wrong anywhere along the way. Bruno Langley is very convincing as troubled Todd, and we're loving Chris Finch as Karl, especially the way he teases the object of his affections by calling him a poof and a gay boy. Also Eileen's line about Todd being "half chips, half rice" is one of the best we've heard in ages.
Unfortunately, it doesn't matter how sensitive the producers and writers have been, or how many promises they have made that the storyline would be a long-running one, and not just played for shock value. Because, as most people will have heard by now, Bruno has decided to pursue opportunites outside the world of bumming, and has handed in his notice so he can develop his craft elsewhere.
There are several internet conspiracy theories about why he would want to leave one of the most high-profile TV roles at the height of a major, significant storyline – everything from fears of typecasting and unease about having to kiss boys, to not wanting to watch his ex and his TV brother feeling each other up in the green room while he gets ready to film Corrie's first rimming scene.
We'll give him the benefit of the doubt, though, and assume he geniunely wants to take advantage of his current profile to further his career. Best of luck with your guest spots in Doctors and Where The Heart Is, Bruno!

By Paul :: Post link :: ::  
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