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It was nice to see the return of Cutting It last night – although it was just OK compared to the brilliance of the first two series.
The main problem seems to be the constant attempts to wring ever more unlikely permutations out of the central love triangle, which has now enveloped so many of the characters it would be more accurately described as a love dodecahedron. If Allie really wanted Gavin back, for example, telling him to marry her daughter was possibly not the most sensible way of snaring him.
The show still has much to recommend it, though. Allie's awful family are still a joy to watch – even if Brawdie seems to be a shadow of her former miserable self. Let's hope she finds something to moan about soon.
The mildly ridiculous scenes where the whole lot of them burst into a carefully-rehearsed multi-part harmony for Ruby's wedding were silly, but still quite moving. The moment where Ruby arrived at the altar to marry Gavin, only to have her waters break on the spot, was also good (not least because of the comedy "splooosh" sound effect). And the 'mum and daughter giving birth at the same time' might have been a bit obvious, but fans will have been cheering with delight as the wrong people ended up at their respective bedsides.
And yet! There's something very important missing, and we all know who it is. Amanda Holden, where are you? It's just not the same without Mia trying to shag everyone and burn stuff down.
Oh, and a hairdressing contest wouldn't go amiss either. Just for old times' sake.

By Paul :: Post link :: ::  
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