Monday, May 03, 2004
Amazing things about Monday, May 3:
» The first toll bridge came into operation in Massachusetts in 1654, but the only charge was for animals. We hear the sheep were fleeced (sorry).
» Tesco called on their suppliers to grow smaller melons after researched showed that customers subconsciously chose them in line with their favoured breast size. Just bear that in mind next time you pick up a cucumber.
» It's two years since Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas revealed plans to sue Hello! after the magazine published unofficial photos of their wedding, three days before OK! was to go to print with the official images. We're so happy that celebrities are only to pleased to fight for the issues that truly, truly matter, and only hope the Zeta-Jones-Douglases continue to make a difference in this cold, cruel world.
» Katrina and the Waves scored a Eurovision win for Britain seven years ago with Love Shine a Light; the chorus of which we were sure went "making love like curry" until the correct - but less interesting - lyrics were pointed out to us by some kind soul.
» Happy birthday to: Comedienne Sandi Toksvig (46); Coronation Street's scary mum of the Webster Clan, Sally Whittaker (41); and the contributor to the best Eastenders fight scene since the Pat 'n' Peg slap-fest, Charlie Brooks, aka Janine, who's 23.
» Leave your macaroni, crackers and toast at the bottom of sloping streets in Stilton, Cambridgeshire, for today's the day the villagers hurl the cheese about in a race that must make the place smell like sweaty feet for days afterwards.
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