Thursday, August 17, 2006
Top Catfight
DEATH! Bad Girls, ITV1, 9.00pmYou may have failed to notice the hissing and back-arching whenever Pat Kerrigan and Natalie Buxton have encountered each other in recent weeks, but probably only if you forgot to watch the show altogether. These two particular inmates don't especially care for each other, and are constantly at war for the position of Top Dog on G-wing. And while neither of them is exactly Yvonne Atkins or Shell Dockley (Natalie Buxton is actually about as terrifying as a kitten playing with a small ball of yarn), watching them snipe at each other has been tremendous fun.
It's all coming to a head tonight, though: after catching Natalie using a little girl to smuggle drugs into the prison last week (in one of the most disturbing scenes we've seen on the show for quite some time), Pat's been plotting her downfall, largely by pantomime-whispering with the two Julies in front of Natalie so that Natalie think summat's amiss. And as we saw last week, Julie S eventually confessed to Natalie that Pat was planning to escape in the refuse collection, but it's all an elaborate ruse to get Natalie to attempt the escape in her place so that they can ensure she's caught and left to rot in Larkhall.
Except, as we all saw in last week's teaser trailer, it doesn't all go according to plan and it all ends up in a tremendous scrabble between Pat and Natalie, with somebody smashing a rock into somebody else's head and that person subsequently shuffling off this mortal coil. But who will it be? Well, to be honest, it probably won't happen until the end of the episode, so we probably won't find out until next week. Gah! (Please let it be Buxton, please let it be Buxton...)
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