Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Ais Wednesday
» I just hope her unspellable name doesn't cost her too many votes.The Know Yourself – Vote Aisleyne campaign has really got the nation talking. Well, a bit of the nation at least. Opinion has been severely polarised to far, but it warms the cockles of that bit in our chest where other people have a heart that so many people are on our wavelength.
Here’s what you’ve been saying about the whole “thing” this week:
» As far as I'm concerned Ais could open each highlights show garroting a baby and I'd still love her at this point.
» Aisleyne has 'been on a journey' because she's entirely changed her attitude from who she was when she came into the house, to the extent that she was crying to see her audition tape and said 'I want to scratch the shame off.'
» In tonight's show, her reasoned consideration of herself really contrasted with Nikki's vainglorious, shallow and hideously affected tantrum.
OK, so our girl probably only has still a slim chance of victory at best, as the Big Brother producers have done such a wonderful job of structuring the whole series so Pete wins. But it would still be wonderful to see her do better than Nikki, at least.
Aisleyne has seemed largely absent from much of the nightly highlights package for the last few days (conspiracy theories ahoy!), but we are assured she is still in the house, so you can still vote for her to win. There’s even a campaign running on the LOWCULTURE messageboard encouraging everyone to for her vote four times in an attempt to further dent Pete’s majority.
As our very own Steve points out, we’re hardly sticking it up Channel 4 and Endemol by encouraging this, as they will rake in the cash regardless of who wins, but we reckon it could be worth it just to see all the various smug grins being wiped off all the various faces in the house. We’re spiteful like that.
» Other candidates are available.
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...but they're shit.
Sez the BBC:
Television website Low Culture has mounted a campaign to have Aisleyne declared winner after noticing a groundswell of support for her on its messageboard.
"She's proved to be a little more identifiable, more human, than a lot of people who are in there this year," said Steve Perkins, who helps to run the website.
"People think she's been quite hard done by, so they've come up with this project to get her to win."
But her thong makes made me burp up a little sick into my mouth...
By 4:40 pm
, atI don't understand why you'd want to vote for. She's common as muck, rude, needs elecution lessons and holds herself in a dirty slapper girl manner.
By 6:02 pm
, atShe deserves to win more than the others in there!
By 7:02 pm
, at
Go for it lowculture!! The only alternative to having Aisleen win is turning off the lights and the cameras right now and let them live in the dark starved of media attention and hype for the remaining 3 days and letting them out into a dark endemol carpark to get the bus home.