Wednesday, August 16, 2006
A proper Charlie
COBBLES! Coronation Street, ITV1, 7.30pmThis detracts in no way from our ongoing Know Yourself: Vote Aisleyne campaign, but we're aware that there are still other programmes on telly this week (apparently) and we ought to at least pay lip service to them, right?
So, how do you solve a problem like Maria? Well, if you're Charlie Stubbs, you get her to move in as your tenant, string her along without letting her realise that's what you're doing, and then when Tracy is out of town (or possibly just upstairs playing her tapes) you plough that furrow, as it were. Some soap characters are incredibly stupid, and really need some kind of workshop in How Not To Date The Nasty Piece Of Work Who Systemically Bullied And Belittled Your Erstwhile Pub Landlady, Especially When You'd Be The Other Woman, don't they?
Elsewhere, it's a veritable Kym Marsh festival this week (although she's going by the name of Kym Ryder these days, fact fans) as she follows her appearance in Hollyoaks: In The City by reprising her role as Michelle and installing herself behind the bar of the Rovers. Steve McDonald indictates that he'd quite like to tap that, and he's not referring to that barrel of Newton and Ridley's, which probably means that the future for Michelle involves either insanity, kleptomania or a hit-and-run. Careful now.
However, the one thing we're really looking forward to is...another catfight between Gail and Eileen in the street. Hooray! We're assuming it's related to Sarah and Jason's wedding, which didn't exactly go smoothly (unless you call the groom jilting the bride via text message "smoothly", but we know Blanche Hunt would disapprove and that's more than enough for us), but really, who needs an excuse? We just want good old-fashioned hair-pulling, name-calling and eye-scratching. Let the games begin!
(PS. Vote Aisleyne!)
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How do you solve a problem like Maria? Corrieblog knows how!
By 10:27 am
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