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That's hot.

SWAP! Poor Little Rich Girls, ITV1, 10.00pm

You can't deny that there's plenty of mileage to be had in the pursuit of attractive young socialites. After all, Paris Hilton doesn't have to sit and write a blog to get attention, does she? (Lucky bitch.) With that in mind, ITV have brought us another series of this show in the Wife Swap vein, where there are culture-clashes aplenty encouraged as some privileged types swap places with down-and-outs (or "normal people", as you or I would call them) in the hope of them gaining some perspective.

So, in today's series opener, we get the fabulously named DJ Sassy Porter (quite what or where she DJs is something we're not entirely clear on), who's a model when she's not DJing (and if there ever were a double life that we'd kill to live, model/DJ would probably be it), swaps places with domestic cleaner Leanne. That's our culture clash established pretty clearly, unless any of the people chewing gum at the back would like it spelt out more clearly? No? Excellent.

So the parts are all in place for culture clashing of the most basic kind, and we all sit back to enjoy the fireworks...except, lawks above, apparently the people in this show actually learn from their experiences. Wait, we're confused...they learn? That's not what we normally tune in for. That means this could actually be - heartwarming. Blimey! Can we get Paris Hilton in for next week, though?

By Steve :: Post link :: ::  
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