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Bitchin' in the kitchen

CUISINE! Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares, Channel 4, 8.00pm

It really doesn't seem like very long ago that we were last recommending the new series of this on Channel 4, but given its frankly terrifying popularity, we can't be at all surprised that another series has come around so quickly. Plus, when you think about it, this really is the best kind of reality TV; not only do you get the voyeurism from nosing into someone else's private business and their failings, but you also get that lovely heartwarming feeling at the end of the hour where everybody learns a little bit about themselves and hopefully there's a lovely happy ending for everyone and everything is just lovely.

Hmm. Having said that, we're really not sure there's going to be that much loveliness in tonight's programme after all. Tonight's episode sees Gordon heading to Oscar's restaurant in Cheshire, and it seems like the problems that exist are not just problems with the food. You'll notice that we're not at all being our usual cynical selves today, and that's because this is something we shouldn't really be joking about: let's just say that a member of staff has severe health problems. It'll be interesting to see this from a different point of view when there is a lot more to be sorted out, beyond mere restaurant issues. Fingers crossed, eh?

Also tonight: something that we can be entirely shallow about (phew!), but Michael French returns to Holby City at 8.00pm on BBC1. Yep, Nick Jordan returns. Omg, as the kids on the internet might say.

By Steve :: Post link :: ::  
2 pop-up comments :: Discuss on messageboard


Oooooh.... Nick Jordan and Connie Beauchamp doing 'IT'... please, tell me its not too much to ask?!?!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:27 pm  

The title if this article made me go "eee!" inside. It's the name of a song from the "sequel" of Rocky Horror. It's rubbishly brilliant.

By Blogger Indie Girl, at 5:08 pm  

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