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Business as usual

FIREPOWER! The Apprentice, BBC2, 9.00pm

It seems like an absolute age since the last series, but the new one is finally upon us: Sir Alan Sugar is back, and he's bringing his own brand of slightly scruffy business know-how into the lives of another 14 corporate famewhores as they all try desperately to avoid hearing those two words that strike fear into the heart - "you're fired". Last year's series was the surprise sleeper hit of the season, and proved that once in a blue moon a remake can come along that's every bit as worthwhile as the original. Indeed, having seen the disappointing second season of The Apprentice USA in which the inimitable Mr Trump proceeded to fire people for increasingly tenuous reasons and ended the series on a decidedly "meh" note by hiring Kelly the Kissass, we hold out hope that it might even surpass the original.

Of course, it's all going to depend on what sort of characters we've got in the apprentices themselves, since half of the fun last time around came from looking on in horror at Paul and Saira, finding yourself rooting for Miriam without really knowing why, and being generally pleased when nice Tim won the prize. So how do this year's contestants measure up? Well, Jo describes as "loopy and a bit mad", and she has Chrissie Watts's hair, so that's a good start. There's also Ben, who "admires" and "respects" Sir Alan, but admits that doesn't mean he "like(s)" him. And there's the excellently named Ruth Badger, who...well, that's all you need really, isn't it?

Sit back and enjoy cringing at the inappropriate business decisions, but most importantly, see if you can predict the person whose P45 is on the way...

By Steve :: Post link :: ::  
3 pop-up comments :: Discuss on messageboard


I've seen a few and yes JO is madder than a box of frogs.... and Syed just looks like onw

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:07 pm  

eI've seen a few and yes JO is madder than a box of frogs.... and Syed just looks like one

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:08 pm  

What a great site
free credit report online

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:28 pm  

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