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Death on Mars

COVER-UP! Life On Mars, BBC1, 9.00pm

We've already recommended this programme once during its run, but we're enjoying it so much that we thought we'd give you all a timely (ha!) reminder to keep up with it now that there are only two episodes left. There are many things to love about the show - the attention to period detail (although we'd swear blind that we saw an extra supposedly from 1973 wearing a shirt that we almost bought in Top Man last year), the lampooning of the casual bigotry of the era, or indeed the clever interweaving of the weekly drama with the ongoing plot of Sam trying to work out how to wake up and return to 2006. We'll be perfectly honest, though: our absolute favourite is Philip Glenister as DCI Gene Hunt. Every look, every gesture, every line is an absolute winner.

It looks as though the subject matter is going to take a turn for the darker this week as a suspect dies while in police custody, and Sam is appalled by the rest of CID's attempts to cover up the incident and paint a picture of their own innocence. As if that weren't enough to contend with, after last week's near-miss with having his life support machine turned off in the present (or the future, depending on how you want to look at it - our head hurts already), Sam's snippets of contact with his old life and loved ones are getting more vivid and more frequent. We just hope this doesn't mean more visits from the eerie test card girl, but props to the production team for tapping into the creepiness of that old TV staple. We know it used to scare us when we were little (maybe it was the prospect of being stuck in a game of noughts and crosses that was destined never to be finished).

Anyway, like we said, two episodes left. We know it clashes with America's Next Top Model, but tape one of them if you have to.

By Steve :: Post link :: ::  
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