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Frills and spills

COOL! Thin Ice, BBC2, 10pm (or last night if you're in Scotland. Sorry, Scotland)

You can't move for ice skaters on the telly at the moment, what with the Winter Olympics and Whatever That Thing On ITV With Bonnie Langford Is Called, and frankly LOWCULTURE does not give a sequinned frock about any of them.

So it might surprise you to see that we're recommending this, a new comedy set in an ice rink in Derby that's seen better days. The reason we're wetting our pants with anticipation is that the writers, Simon Carlyle and Gregor Sharp, previously gave us the magnificent TERRI McINTYRE: CLASSY BITCH, which we've been raving about for years, despite the fact that nobody else in the universe seems to have seen it.

In this first episode, the skating pupils are to be put through their paces to see if they're good enough for the British Ice Skating Championships, but a rogue pigeon in the roof of the rink is causing problems, and the rink's two coaches – likeable Jeanette and evil old cow Barbara – are at loggerheads.

Early reviews suggest that Thin Ice is quite a gentle affair, which may disappoint fans of the all-swearing, all-screeching bitchfest that was Terri McIntyre, but we're all for something that might bring a bit of warmth to LOWCULTURE's cold, icy heart, as well as giving us a good laugh. The only disappointment for us is that the fab Simon, who was unforgettable as Terri, doesn't appear in this himself. Boo!

Click here for some preview clips – and a badly-written quote from some second-rate website or other.

By Paul :: Post link :: ::  
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