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Tell me it's not Trueman

UH OH! EastEnders, BBC1, 7.30pm

EastEndersThe news that Pat Evans and Patrick Trueman were due to embark upon an affair in EastEnders left us feeling rather conflicted. On the one hand, we love Pam St. Clement and we love it when the show uses her in a manner appropriate to the national treasure that she is. On the other hand, well...we could just mention the phrase "spinning bow tie" and leave it at that, really, couldn't we?

The storyline has been quite silly - not least in the effect it's had on poor Yolande, who appears to have developed an entirely new accent from the stress of it all - but not nearly as ghasty as we feared it might have been, and it's always nice to see Pat having a bit of fun once every 20 years. Tonight, however, things are going, as we say in the business, "tits up". The two Pats have been enjoying their affair, with Pat more enjoying the prospect of a man finding her attractive than the affair itself, but because they are both decent people when all's said and done (well, Patrick's a bit dodgy, but he's not evil or anything) they've decided it's right to bring things to a close. Patrick doesn't want to ruin his marriage to Yolande, and Pat doesn't want to be a homewrecker (we should point out here that we loved the person on the BBC's commentboard who referred to Pat as "a dirty lady"). It could have been an affair to remember, if it weren't for a certain Stacey Slater spotting the farewell kiss. It'll be fine, though, because obviously Stacey won't tell Yolande...oh, wait. This is a soap opera, and she's a Slater. Nope, the shit's going to hit the fan quite royally. Oh well: enjoy!

By Steve :: Post link :: ::  
2 pop-up comments :: Discuss on messageboard


We were mostly disappointed that Pat never used the phrase 'when I was on the game' during said storyline.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:53 am  

Excellent, love it!
» » »

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:48 am  

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