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Another irrelevant awards show

BORING! The Brit Awards, ITV1, 8.00pm

Brit AwardsIt's that time again! A time for the British music industry to assemble itself under one roof and give itself an enormous pat on the back for another 12 months of stunning mediocrity. This year in particular the shortlist is an absolute joke (if James Blunt or Katie Melua wins Best Pop Act, heads will roll), but watching all of these people claim that they're a million times better than all that rubbish disposable pop music and then promptly disappear over the course of two years is always fun, isn't it?

There are an awful lot of reasons not to tune in this year: Chris Evans is presenting. James Blunt and Coldplay are performing. Girls Aloud and Sugababes have been entirely overlooked even in the one category they ought to have been shoo-ins for. Paul Weller is getting the lifetime achievement award. However, there is due to be a performance from the lovely Kelly Clarkson, which is quite tempting us to watch at least until we get to that point. Otherwise we'll probably just channel surf and pop back to see if anything interesting has happened. Actually, we're not really sure why we're recommending this, other than through some weird misplaced sense of tradition. Dear Jarvis Cocker: this would be another excellent year to make obscene gestures at people. There's hardly a shortage of deserving candidates, is there?Ano

By Steve :: Post link :: ::  
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Will Lowculture be providing us with a funny animation of them severing James Blunt's head and it rolling along the ground?

By Blogger Adrian, at 10:45 am  

Hey! Talk about No Angels on channel 4!! Grrr...

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:38 pm  

Excellent, love it!
» » »

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:52 am  

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