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Australian soap opera in "owns us all" shocker

BONZA! Neighbours, BBC1, 1.40pm/5.35pm

NeighboursWe think we can safely say, without putting ourselves in any danger of hyperbole, that Neighbours is currently the best television programme in the history of the universe. Easily the most talked-about soap opera over on the messageboard, it's gone from strength to strength since deciding to axe the Bishop family in a not-too-shabby plane crash scenario. Of course, as is only right in a soap opera all of the crash survivors are back in Erinsborough and look barely scratched (we're extremely pleased that The Unsinkable Isabelle Hoyland lives to bitchfight another day, certainly) - well, most of them. Dylan and Connor are still on the run, convinced that faking their own deaths and more than likely turning to homosexuality is a better fate than returning to Ramsay Street as wanted criminals.

But oh! Dylan's seen in the paper that Sky is still alive and that Stingray's taken the rap for Dylan's felony, so it's time for a change of heart and back they go today. Trust a Timmins to return to the street in style, as Dylan crashes his own funeral. We're glad to have him back anyway, and the sooner he returns to those homoerotic storylines with Paul Robinson the happier we'll all be.

Meanwhile, Lyn Scully and THE HAIR have something of a proposal in mind. Sadly, the proposal does not involve getting a more flattering barnet, or keeping her nose out of other people's business, or indeed explaining how she fits so many people into her house at any given point. Still, what's life without a little mystery?

By Steve :: Post link :: ::  
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