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What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas

FORENSIC! CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Five, 9.00pm

CSIBlimey, previewing two Five programmes in as many days? Despite what you might think, we're not taking backhanders from Five's press department (although if anyone's reading from the aforementioned department, we're entirely open to offers). No, it's more some canny scheduling on Five's part. You see, when we got back after Christmas there was a veritable cornucopia of new programmes on TV for us to preview, so much so that, rather than scavenging through the pages of the Radio Times trying to find something worth writing about, we found ourselves actually having to leave stuff out. Of course, such good fortune couldn't last forever and now all the good programmes have, by and large, already been previewed and we don't want to write about the same shows every week (although we reserve the right to do just that where America's Next Top Model is concerned), so we're back where we started. Except! While all the other broadcasters were shooting their loads, Five were cunning holding back and saving a few of their jewels for a slightly belated debut. It's almost as if they knew, isn't it?

So, following on from the impressive Tarantino-directed finale to last season, Gil Grissom, Catherine Willows and the rest of the scientifically inclined gang are back to enthrall us with more ingenius (if sometimes implausible) stories of how investigations are rarely as cut-and-dried as they might seem. In tonight's episode, Grissom, Nick and Sara suspect that there may be more to a gas explosion than meets the eye, while a virtually naked woman is found dead in an area known as "G-string mile". And despite the clearly skyrocketing local crime rates, we'd still like to live in a place like that, so if you hear of any real estate on the grapevine, do let us know.

By Steve :: Post link :: ::  
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