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Since we been gone

TALENT! American Idol, ITV2, 8.30 and 10.20pm

In a slightly bizarre piece of scheduling, ITV1 decided to show the final two episodes of the fourth season of AMERICAN IDOL last Sunday, presumably thinking that the best way to entice people to watch the new series is to thrust three people they've mostly never seen before and probably don't care about into their living rooms and go "oooh, look!" Still, it was nice to see Carrie, Bo and Vonzell again, even if it just reminded us that we always back the wrong person in televised talent shows.

Nevertheless, the ink has barely dried on Shayne Ward's record contract and we're heading into another marathon of a contest. Last year's contest brought us some interesting shenanigans, including people removing themselves from the final stages of the competition for "personal reasons", an increased age limit bringing in some more leftfield candidates like Nadia, a selection of theme nights that don't really mean anything (two of our favourites being "70s dance music" and "songs from the current top 40"), the angry-potato-like non-charms of Scott Savol and glory notes aplenty. As most of us predicted from the early stages, sweet country girl Carrie Underwood took the final crown and has apparently done quite nicely for herself so far on the other side of the pond, even if she's not quite reaching international megastar status yet.

Last time this show was on the air over here, we scoffed that none of the winners had made much of an impact in this country. That was before Kelly Clarkson stormed the place and took no prisoners, so we'll be watching with renewed interest this year. It should be an entertaining ride, and this show usually produces singers with much better voices than any of our talent shows uncover (there were people who only just scraped into last year's AMERICAN IDOL top 10 who could piss all over 98% of the X FACTOR finalists in a head-to-head), not to mention the combined delight that is the always-entertaining-if-not-always-coherent Paula Abdul, Randy "Dawg" Jackson and Simon "Snarkarama" Cowell, and poor befuddled Ryan Seacrest trying to hold the whole thing together. Hooray!

By Steve :: Post link :: ::  
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