Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Police, camera, action
UH OH! The Bill, ITV1, 8.00pmPoor Sergeant Dale "Smithy" Smith. He's certainly had a rum old time of it lately, with his romance with the lovely Louise seeming increasingly doomed with every passing episode. This episode, however, should put the ultimate boot into the relationship when Smithy is found unconscious and over the limit at the scene of a car accident. A car accident where Louise was the fatality.
Trouble is, of course, that Smithy doesn't remember a thing. Facing a considerable chance of going dahhhhn for murder and with his memory entirely not co-operating, it looks like he's going to need every single bit of his police training to get himself out of this one. Indeed, he probably thinks that he'd have been far more fortunate to have woken up after the car accident to find himself in 1973.
Stunt episode, then? Sounds like it, but it's certainly an interesting stunt to be having a go at, and Smithy's one of The Bill's more likeable characters, so it sounds like an interesting journey to take the audience on. On top of that, there's all the fun that we can have guessing whodunnit, so settle down tonight and take in the clues, and see if you've got the answer before the end of tomorrow night's episode.
By Steve :: Post link
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