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Chat's the way we like it

CHAT! Wogan: Now and Then, UKTV Gold, 10.20pm

Ah, Wogan. The daddy of chat shows, we reckon, from an altogether simpler time before it graciously shuffled out of the way to be replaced by Eldorado. Well, it probably seemed like a good idea at the time, we're sure.

Now, in what we believe is the first original commission for UKTV Gold, Terry's taking to the sofa again to interview more guests in a chatshow with a twist. What's the twist, you say? (Well, those of you who have somehow managed to avoid the copious amounts of advance publicity the show's received) Well, Tezza will be interviewing guests whom he's already interviewed back on Wogan, looking back on the sepia-tinted interviews of yore and discovering what's changed for the subjects in the interim. The show's going to be running twice weekly on UKTV Gold and for tonight's opener Terry will be chatting to Ulrika Jonsson, Christopher Lee and erstwhile messiah David Icke.

Not a bad idea for a chat show, all things considered - although we gather that there will be some kind of caveat where not all guests will have appeared on the original Wogan. We can probably forgive that, considering there has to be a finite number of people to whom that applies and who would still be of any interest to the viewing public. For us, however, the real pull is seeing Terry back on the chat throne, because he's right up the top of the list of celebrities we'd like to go down the pub with, and this is probably the closest we're going to get...

By Steve :: Post link :: ::  
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I'd be very careful not to have my pint in a tankard or a toby jug, I suppose.

By Blogger Steve, at 11:09 pm  

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