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It's such a lovely place, such a lovely place

EXCESS! Hotel Babylon, BBC1, 9.00pm

Hurrah! It's about time the BBC had its own answer to FOOTBALLERS' WIVES, and from the early previews this seems to be the most likely candidate thus far. This series is based on the novel by Imogen Edwards-Jones, which we haven't read, so if you're looking for thoughtful literary insight, then boy are you in the wrong place. What we're promised, however, is a warts-and-all story of what goes on behind closed (expensive) doors, based on genuine testimony from members of the hotel trade.

The hotel in question is a top-notch swanky London hotel, where the rich and fabulous come to behave most indecorously; of course, right now we can see that to a certain extent on CELEBRITY BIG BROTHER, but we can never really have too much of that. How else do you explain the success of heat magazine? We're hoping that it's going to owe something of a debt to the world of glossy 1980s soap operas where people bitched at each other while wearing fabulous frocks, and all the better if the fight happened to spill over into a nearby fountain.

Tamzin Outhwaite runs the hotel, and Max Beesley is the receptionist. There are also lots of other recognisable names in the cast that will make playing "hey, where do I know him/her from?" worth your while even if it turns out to be rubbish. All being well, however, it should be entirely watchable Thursday night fluff, and we'll be more than happy with that.

By Steve :: Post link :: ::  
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