Tuesday, January 17, 2006
It's good sci-fi, but not as we know it
SCI! FI! Battlestar Galactica, Sky One, 9.00pmMuch as we hate to admit it, it's time for us to hold our hands up and admit to our total failure yet again. See, we saw trails for BATTLESTAR GALACTICA on Sky One, and we thought "hmm, that sounds old. Wasn't that around in the 1970s? Man, Sky really must be stuck for something new to show. No way are we watching that shit. Isn't FOOTBALLERS' WIVES on? Let's have some cake and watch some gay porn." Admittedly not all of that thought process is relevant here, but the fact remains that we allowed our prejudices to blind us to the fact that this is a remake of the 1970s show, re-imagining the whole concept whilst remaining true to the same basic principle ("a group of refugees traverse space in search of a possibly-mythical Earth"), and according to what we've heard from people who've been watching it, being pretty fucking fantastic.
It boasts one of the more creepy sci-fi concepts we've heard in a while - the Cylons were created by man and look human; indeed some of them are programmed to believe they are human. They also want something and are generally pretty fearful. Imagine, then, that you can't ever really be sure if the people you are interacting with are people rather than Cylons. Paranoia city, we suspect. Population: everyone. Now that we've had the concept of the show explained to us (several times, because we're not very bright) we're going to be tuning in, just so we can get even more horribly confused. If, however, we've explained it wrong, don't laugh at us. We're not used to having to relay the details of intelligent science fiction to other people.
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It also features Jamie Bamber naked but for a very, very small towel... which nearly falls off. It is worth watching for this alone.
By 12:41 pm
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