Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Long lost
GOING! Lost, Channel 4, 10.00pmFirst of all, a disclaimer: the following piece is intended to reflect the opinions of its author only and is not necessarily reflective of the opinion of or yourself. We are not trying to tell you what to think, merely expressing our own point of view, so please don't send us hate mail or try to sue us.
That said: it's the finale of LOST this week. Hooray! We know it's been a massive hit, become a buzzword in its own right, and established itself as the benchmark by which all future drama should be measured, yada yada yada. That said, we're relieved this is finally coming to an end so that we can have a bit of peace and quiet. Interestingly, recent ratings suggest that the number of people who stayed with the show to the end is roughly the same as the number of people who abandoned ship somewhere along the way. We know that a lot of you got absolutely lost (pun intended) in this series, delighting in the mystery and the flashbacks. We, on the other hand, got horrendously bored of what we perceived to be the indifferent scripting, the general absence of dramatic tension, the way that nothing happens until the last five minutes, the cardboard cut-out characters, the seemingly endless commercial breaks, and the fact that we already knew Boone (the only reason we had for watching the show in the first place) was going to die before the end of the first season. Each to their own, and we are casting absolutely no aspersions on everyone who enjoyed it. On a purely personal level, however, we just found it to be deeply disappointing, especially in light of all the hype it received.
Anyway, it's the season finale tonight, and some of the castaways are desperate to escape on the raft, while others are preparing to look inside the hatch. It means nothing to us, of course, but if you've been watching all season no doubt you'll be champing at the bit. It's a double episode, no less, so unplug the phone and fetch yourself a strong cup of coffee; you'll be in it for the long haul. Will all the mysteries be solved? Or will all the questions remain unanswered and a whole new lot of questions present themselves instead? We suspect the latter...
By Steve :: Post link
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No hate mail from me. You're absolutely right; 'Lost' was tired, boring old shit with no characterisation, flimsy dialogue and an over-confusing plot with too many dishwater-dull backstories. Of course, 'Desperate Housewives' is just around the corner, and if we're honest, it isn't that much better.