Friday, January 13, 2006
Not "chicka chicka Slim Shady", then?
QUIRKY! My Name Is Earl, Channel 4, 10.00pmThere's just time for a quick, end-of-the-week, "we can't really be bothered and we're not being paid but duty is duty" pointer to Channel 4's new Friday night sitcom, then. We missed including this in our previews last week because we had other, more important stuff to talk about (and don't try to give us any of that crap about how this is ten times more important than SOAPSTAR SUPERSTAR, we know what you've really been watching), but we've heard some good things about it so we thought better late than never.
Quick! Plot! Recap! Loser and petty criminal Earl wins big on a lottery scratchcard, right before the wind blows it out his grasp. Earl, being a philosophical sort of chap, decides that this is karma at work, punishing him for all the bad things he's done, so he decides to start atoning for his misdeeds. After starting to put things right, the scratchcard mysteriously finds him again, which spurs him on to continue. This week, Earl's in the unenviable position of having to make up for letting someone else serve a two-year jail term for a crime that Earl committed. Oooh, sucks to be him.
It's perhaps a different kind of comedy than you're used to from Friday night on Channel 4 - nobody sits in a fashionable loft drinking lattes, there's no witty banter among fraternal psychiatrists, and there aren't any screaming queens or fag hags (at least not that we noticed) - but the first episode seemed to go down quite well, even if some people are giving it a little while before officially declaring themselves superfans. If you missed it last week (like we did), why not give it a go tonight (like we're planning to)?
By Steve :: Post link
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I caught the, er 'catch-up' episode last night. There WAS a screaming queen in it! Well, it was a closeted queen, but at least it had a touch of gay. To be honest, it's only half funny, but it's a good premise and so I reckon it will get better.
I hold my hands up... I've been glued to Soapstar Superstar. How lickable is Richard? He's a good 10 years too young for me but I soooooooooooooooo would. He makes Shayne from X Factor look like a complete loser...
By 10:58 am
, atTo be fair you don't have to do much to make Shayne from X Factor look like a complete loser, do you...
By 5:37 pm
, at