Monday, January 09, 2006
Crime traveller
ODD! Life on Mars, BBC One, 9.00pmAmusingly, if not surprisingly, a search for "life on mars" on the BBC search engine throws up lots of science and nature sites, and you have to scroll halfway down the page to find the link to the homepage for this new drama. Just to clarify, then: this is not an awe-inspiring CGI-rendered exploration of alien planets, but an unusual new police drama.
Allow us to set the scene: Detective Sam Tyler is working on the case of his girlfriend's kidnapping, but getting nowhere fast. Then, because bad luck always comes in threes, he's hit by a car. And he wakes up in 1973. Why? Because bad luck always comes in threes, like we said. And really, finding yourself in an open-collared shirt and flares really goes beyond "bad luck" as far as we're concerned.
That's the unlikely premise behind this show, but let's face it: TV shows about the police are pretty run-of-the-mill these days, and anything that turns all of that on its head and tries to do something refreshing and unusual within the genre gets our wholehearted support. Besides, the trailer where DCI Tyler's new boss grabs him by the lapels and declares loudly that he's "'avin' 'oops" for dinner makes us laugh.
It sounds as though it's going to be all gritty and serious, so it won't have quite so much LOWCULTURE appeal as the Michael French/Chloe Annett series from years ago that we stole the title from for this preview, but we're going to recommend it all the same, on the grounds that we should probably all watch something to make us think every once in a while. Right?
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