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Insert boning joke here

OOKY! Bones, Sky One, 10.00pm

The world of forensic science is fertile breeding ground for TV programmes - after all, it's all about mysteries and dead people, so it's as close as we're ever going to get to a live action version of SCOOBY DOO. Correction: the closest we'll get to a live-action version of SCOOBY DOO that is remotely watchable. So, here's another one for us to add to the list: in the specialist Department of People with Unusual and Attention-Seeking Names, Dr Temperance Brennan is one of those prickly geniuses, who gets away with being prickly to everyone because she's a genius. In a brilliant and extremely original twist, she's paired up with a sceptic, down-to-earth type by the name of Agent Seely Booth, and together they solve all those previously unsolvable mysteries. Hurrah!

...what? Why should you care? Well, it's got David Boreanaz in it, in his first leading role on TV since the demise of ANGEL. If nothing has quite filled that hole in your heart left by a brooding vampire with a soul (the original and best, before Spike got in on the game), you could do worse than to give this a go. The role of Dr Temperance (whose nickname, by the way, is "Bones", from the way she uses small shards of bone to recreate entire physiques) is taken by Emily Deschanel, sister of Zooey, of ALMOST FAMOUS and "best name ever" fame. Any chemistry? Well, we don't know; you'll have to watch and see. What are we meant to be - psychic?

By Steve :: Post link :: ::  
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