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Newport living


It would perhaps be fair to say that season two of THE O.C. was not a vintage year: everybody in Newport seemed to get involved in at least six love triangles (and the Seth/Summer/Zach triangle went on almost as long as the Seth/Summer/Anna love triangle from season one, which was not a high point either), Kirsten sought comfort at the bottom of a vodka bottle and ended up being forced into rehab, Marissa became a lesbian strictly for promotional sweeps purposes (and why was this necessary when they have a perfect gay storyline sat waiting in the more-than-brotherly relationship between Seth and Ryan?), there were far too many tedious meta references and the soap factor got rammed up to 9.5 when Ryan's brother Trey raped Marissa and ended up being shot while Marissa stood quivering with a gun and Mischa Barton desperately tried to emote "terror" and ended up more like "would quite like a skinny latte but only if it's not skinnier than I am".

Season three, then, has got a bit of ground to make up to get back to the quality of season one. Judging by reports we've heard from the states, it's currently somewhere in the middle. We're reliably informed that while the first couple of episodes aren't brilliant, the plot developments later in the season are worth sticking around for. Meanwhile, we only hope that Marissa's plot will involve her eating something, for crying out loud. The formidable Julie Cooper is set to meddle awesomely in things once more, and Kirsten's new friend from rehab is Jeri Ryan, who assures her that resistance is futile.

By Steve :: Post link :: ::  
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