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Not porn, unfortunately

COMEDY! Tittybangbang, BBC Three, 9.30pm

It's here at long last: after much talk about a new and rude female-led sketch show, followed by a successful pilot last year, the fabulously named TITTYBANGBANG arrives for a six-part series. Of course, we'd be looking forward to it a lot more if we hadn't seen that frigging promo for it twenty million times over the past week.

There's been no shortage of sketch shows recently, from the successful LITTLE BRITAIN and THE CATHERINE TATE SHOW to the not-too-bad SPOONS and the frankly overlooked SWINGING. Judging by what we've seen of this show so far, it's not quite in the same league as the first two, but it has its fair share of moments, and comes with that all-important supply of catchphrases.

We watched this first episode on the internet (and if you can't wait until tonight, you too can do that here), and we found ourselves chuckling at quite a few parts. We like the exhibitionist maid ("Oooh, don't look at me! I'm shy!"), Paula the twitching darts player ("It's me nerves! I'm on the same combination of pills as Kerry Katona when she had all that trouble with Bryan McFadden!"), the Shut Up family (you can probably guess what their catchphrase is), Ruth Baxter - the OAP on the lookout for a fight, and the woman so determined to get on a TV talkshow that she'll try anything to turn her perfectly-behaved daughter into a delinquent ("go and mug that old lady! Do you want an Asbo or not?!"). This is before we even get to the women describing the events of the previous evening's NEWSNIGHT in street slang.

Less successful are Don Peacock the dirty old man, whose sketch goes on too long and isn't terribly funny, and Maxine Bendix the plastic slapper (although we did quite like the reference to anal bleaching, because we're rude like that). On the whole, we think it's worth a look, but we're reserving judgement about whether it's funny enough to sustain a whole series.

By Steve :: Post link :: ::  
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