Monday, January 09, 2006
"That skank ho poured the beer on my weave!"
TYRA! America's Next Top Model: Where Are They Now?, Living TV, 9.00pmTo prepare us for the new series of weaves and woes amongst the model elite, first we're getting a special episode to remind us who won the previous four cycles of this show. Unfortunately it looks like we won't get much of an update on the other contestants from cycle four, which is a shame, because we'd dearly love to know what badass Tiffany, wrasslin' Michelle, unphotogenic-but-beautiful Lluvy and pretty-but-lipless Christina are up to these days.
Anyway, this show promises to catch up with Adrienne, Yoanna, Eva and Naima to find out how winning AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL changed their lives. Presumably, the show will try to imply that this means more than having everybody asking if you've got a job yet, as opposed to just your mother. We know that Naima got a guest appearance slot on the second season opener of the sublime VERONICA MARS playing the likeable but ill-fated Ms. Dumbass - oops, sorry, Ms. Dumas - but what of everyone else? Does Eva still have that annoying laugh? Does Yoanna still hate Camille? Does Adrienne still talk like a drag queen on twenty Bensons? None or more of these questions may be answered tonight.
By Steve :: Post link
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