Thursday, May 19, 2005
Multinational swap shop
CULTURE SWAP! Wife Swap, Channel 4, 8.00pm
It must be great for broadcasters when a format they’re already using sells well abroad – you get a whole new series made for you with very little effort of your own, after all. And so begins the terrestrial airing of Wife Swap USA, which has the same general set-up as the UK version, with a few differences in treatment – apparently we can expect an über-dramatic voiceover to accompany the action, and if you’ve ever seen the Supernanny ripoff Nanny 911 on ITV2, you’ll have some idea of what we mean. The good news, however, is that the swap is just the kind of culture clash we’ve grown to love – houseproud Caprice swaps places with disorganised animal lover Bambi. Cue tears and shouting.
By Steve :: Post link
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