Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Faq-in hell
QUIZZIN'! FAQ U, Channel 4, 11.05pmAnd there we were thinking (hoping?) that the celebrity panel game had died quietly and wasn’t going to bother us again. The premise of this one is that a group of comedians will attempt to answer frequently-asked questions, regardless of how silly they might be. (We suspect their resourcefulness would be far better tested if they went to work in Viewer Enquiries for any major broadcaster.) There’s a different host every week (we haven’t quite worked out yet if this is homage to Have I Got News For You, or just some kind of elaborate jobshare) and keeping order this week is Peep Show’s David Mitchell. Should be worth a look, anyway.
By Steve :: Post link
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this show is quite good.
and it also has this extremely beautiful man on it called Rhys Thomas. Where have i seen him before?
By 1:24 pm
, atReese was Swiss Toni's sidekick in the Fast Show. I've met him and his lovely but wouldn't say he's particularly funny without a script. x
By 1:54 pm
, atHe was also in Nathan Barley.
I love Rhys Thomas! No-one else I know thinks he is good looking though!
He is also the voice of 'Donald Cox the Sweaty Fox' in 'Shooting Stars' apparently...
By 11:29 pm
, atI love FAQ U - great revision tv, before BB6 gets under way. And I LOVE rhys thomas - does he do stand up? or have a website?
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