Friday, April 22, 2005
All the TV that's mad, bad, or just a little bit evil for Friday. Our Tiny Tanya Turner ratings
show just how low each show goes – the more Tanyas a show scores, the more mental it is.
» PING! The Fairly Odd Parents, BBC1, 4.20pm
Yes, we are fully aware that this is a cartoon, and a children's cartoon at that, but we still maintain it's one of the best things on telly. For those of you not up to speed - Timmy is an average eight-year-old boy who happens to have fairy godparents. Today, Timmy is alarmed to discover that his science project rocket has grown a mouth and started to talk - no prizes for guessing that Cosmo is somehow at the bottom of it all. Something to do with with all of the magic waste stored under the house having a bad reaction with the rest of the waste down there...but ignore the premise and just enjoy the brilliant gags.
» MING! Emmerdale, ITV1, 7.00pm
You'd be forgiven for thinking that meek little Emily is the sort of person who'd just forgive you if you had an affair - however, now that she knows about Paddy and Viv (ew), it looks as though the worm has turned. We can't blame her - after all, we're not even married to Paddy and we still don't want to think about that particular coupling. Elsewhere, the faint-hearted may need to look away after another gruesome twosome - this time in the shape of Val and Bob - face up to the morning after the night before.
» SING! American Idol, ITV2, 9.00pm
Nadia is gone, and we're now down to the final seven - two girls remain, and five boys. Will the girls' poor streak of luck continue, or is it turn for a boy to get his marching orders? We're hoping that Creepy Scott, who appears to consider Jesus to be a personal friend, is set to march this week, but he seems to have a pretty strong hold on this show. No news on this week's theme, but we've heard a whisper that it might be disco, which is sure to provoke some interesting song choices.
» Is there something we've missed? Click on the comment link to share your tips.
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