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All the TV that's mad, bad, or just a little bit evil for Monday. Our Tiny Tanya Turner ratings show just how low each show goes – the more Tanyas a show scores, the more mental it is.
» COMP! Dick & Dom's Ask The Family, BBC2, 6.30pm
Saturday morning stalwarts and inspiration for many a bizarre complaint to the BBC's audience logs, Dick and Dom try to follow in the illustrious footsteps of Ant and Dec by making the move into primetime. In this case, they're reviving a fairly ancient quiz format where teams of two adults and two children compete against each other for exciting prizes - but given whom the hosts are, we're doubtful it'll be that straightforward, somehow. At the very least, we're expecting bogeys.
» POMP! Who Would Hire You?, BBC3, 8.00pm
We're sure most people can relate to this: even been up for a job that you were sure you could have done in your sleep, only to blow your chances thanks to your pisspoor interview technique? Dr Rob Yeung takes some of the more extreme sufferers of this unfortunate condition and trains them to be super-confident, hyper-articulate unstoppable job-getters. Should be great fun - but just hope you're not competing against any of these people next time you're up for that team leader promotion.
» ROMP! Casanova, BBC1, 9.00pm
If, like us, you're far too forgetful on a Sunday to remember to tune into BBC3 in the evening, or you're just one of these people deliberately trying to upset the government's plans for analogue switch-off by sticking to terrestrial TV (hee! Nice one), here's another chance to view the decidedly camp romp through the live of the world's greatest lover (aside from us, obviously). We've heard good things about this, and given the bang-up job that Russell T. Davies has done with Doctor Who, we're going to recommend this unseen, so confident are we.
» Is there something we've missed? Click on the comment link to share your tips.

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