Friday, March 04, 2005
All the TV that's mad, bad, or just a little bit evil for Friday. Our Tiny Tanya Turner ratings
show just how low each show goes – the more Tanyas a show scores, the more mental it is.
» ATTACK! Coronation Street, ITV1, 7.30pm
Only two recommendations today, because tonight's TV looks like being absolute toss. This should make up for it, though: it's the moment we've all been waiting for, as we begin to bid farewell to the Harrises. Kay-Ee, having aborted Mar-In's baby, discovers that he isn't having an affair with Sally after all, and heads to the garage to give dad Tommy a piece of her mind (if she can spare it) for making her doubt Mar-In's fidelity. Tragic consequences ensue...
» TRACK! The Games: Athletes In Training, E4, 9.00pm
Looks like it's time for The Games to reappear on our screens again - and just in case you don't think you'll be able to get enough of it when it's on Channel 4 all the flipping time for several weeks, E4 is giving us a special four-part series where we watch the "celebrities" training for the events. Er, woohoo!
» Is there something we've missed? Click on the comment link to share your tips.
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