Friday, February 25, 2005
All the TV that's mad, bad, or just a little bit evil for Friday. Our Tiny Tanya Turner ratings
show just how low each show goes – the more Tanyas a show scores, the more mental it is.
» LEAN! Die Another Day, ITV1, 8.30pm
We normally steer clear of recommending movies if we can avoid it, since it seems a bit of a cop-out, and such is the appalling condition of tonight's TV that we're actually recommending two. First up is the latest James Bond movie, with a cameo from Madonna as a fencing instructor, and a larger appearance from Halle Berry which led us wondering if her Academy Award might just have been a bit of a fluke, as uncharitable as that sounds.
» MEAN! Cruel Intentions, E4, 9.00pm
Our second movie of the night (you'll need to do some extremely cunning channel-switching if you're planning to watch both without the assistance of a video) sees Sarah Michelle Gellar go from vampire slayer to vamp, in what we like to refer to as Dangerous Liaisons Juniors. Spare a though for poor Selma Blair, who spends so much of this film falling off various pieces of furniture, she must have been black and blue by the wrap party.
» SPLEEN! Grumpy Old Women, BBC2, 10.00pm
Never let it be said that the Beeb is not entirely in favour of equality, so here's a chance for the ladies to prove that they can be just as cantankerous in their old age as the blokes. There's a fantastic line-up here, including Arabella Weir, Annette Crosbie and Germaine Greer, so this should be worth a look.
» Is there something we've missed? Click on the comment link to share your tips.
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