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Well, fuck me! The facts are back! We trust our readers had a suitably enjoyable Christmas and New Year, and that the countdown till next payday isn't too long. We've had mixed blessings so far this year: a new job (good) and a bang, thump and serious of dings that accompanied the exhaust as it partially detached itself from our car (not good). Never mind! We're still in happy enough spirits to bring you these amazing facts about Friday, January 7:
» A good day for classic television: Stylish sleuth series The Avengers was screened for the first time in 1967, while Fame premiered on American television today in 1982.
» The Pentagon released a list of the top 238 threats to national security. It included militia groups (uh-huh), religious extremists (okay), along with Hollywood producers (eh?), "angry drivers" (!), escaped zoo animals (*monkey noise*) and . . . Belgians.
» The international distress signal CQD was adopted today in 1904, but replaced two years later by SOS. It may have stood for Come Quickly, Darlings but also didn't.
» A Moscow official ruled that long hair was legal in the USSR, today in 1971. Phew!
» In our typical fashion of doing things back to front, we're having the leaving do for our previous job tonight, a week after we started in our new position. But please, don't worry about bringing a card: cash shows you care.
» Joyous felicitations to the first batch of celebrities celebrating their birthday and recognised by us this year: Coronation Street's Gail Platt and nork flashing actress Helen Worth (54), shouty American actrees and singer Sandra Bernhard (50!), and presenter Mark Lamarr (38).
» Ooh, one more: Happy 555th anniversary to students of Glasgow University, founded on this day in 1450.

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According to Marxist theory, cultural forms such as opera, classical music and the literary works of Shakespeare all fall under the heading of high culture. Low culture refers to a wide variety of cultural themes that are characterised by their consumption by the masses. We might not be Marxists, but we do know we loved Footballers Wives. If you do too, you'll know what this is all about.

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