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It's been a good weekend, and despite not buying the jacket we've fancied for a while, we're looking positively at Monday, September 27, and particularly these amazing facts:
» It was reported that a comedy club owner from Verona, Italy, was arrested today in 2000. Not for poor puns, but because he was injecting laughing gas into the premises.
» On the same day, it was claimed nearly half of Mexico's tequila production was under threat because of a chronic shortatge of a cactus vital to the recipe. The thought of never tasting a margarita again almost brings tears to our eyes.
» Today in 1982, filming began on Bond film Never Say Never Again, so called because Sean Connery had previously refused to step back into the role of the secret agent. Future rubbish Bond Timothy Dalton appears in a casino scene in the film.
» Who says you can't trust the media (ahem). Newspapers reported actor Daniel Day-Lewis was to give up the glamour of Hollywood to become an Italian shoemaker's apprentice. In fact, he'd only just visited a shoemaker a couple of times.
» It's 12 years since Chaka Khan had an appendectomy, and just three since 5ive split up, giving us a wonderfully tenuous link about "abs".
» Happy birthday to: Singer Barbara Dickson (57); Michele Doltrice, aka Betty from Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em (56); and ex-911 singer Lee Brennan (29).

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According to Marxist theory, cultural forms such as opera, classical music and the literary works of Shakespeare all fall under the heading of high culture. Low culture refers to a wide variety of cultural themes that are characterised by their consumption by the masses. We might not be Marxists, but we do know we loved Footballers Wives. If you do too, you'll know what this is all about.

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