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Eee, the nights are beginning to draw in again, the weather's taking a turn for the (even) worse, and we're nearing the end of September. So time to start planning for Halloween! The last three years have seen us dress up as a zombie, Pauline Campbell-Jones, and Craig David (Bo Selecta version), so where do we go from there? Let's see if we can get any inspiration from these amazing facts about Wednesday, September 22:
» The mayor of French town Le Lavando banned residents from dying four years ago because there was no room left in the cemetery.
» Aww, shame! Players in the Albanian national football team were banned from swapping shirts with their opponents in 1993, because they couldn't afford replacements. Still, we're not complaining at the possibility of a few more topless players.
» The shock! Miss Universe Oxana Federova was stripped of her title after less than four months in 2002. The rumour was the hussy had only gone and made use of her ovaries and got herself up the duff.
» It's a year since The Bill's sexy 'tec, DS Phil Hunter - aka actor Scott Maslen - won the Britain's Best Dressed Man Award. He's in the final ten for the Britain's Best Undressed Man Award, as it happens. We may have just made that competition up, but we're happy to act as judges to make up for that.
» Happy birthday to: Happy Days actor Scott Baio (43), The Sue half of comedy duo Mel and Sue, Sue Perkins (35), singer-turned-actress Billie Piper (22), and Davina McCall's daughter, Holly (3).
» Unrelated fact of the day: A mum waited 41 days for her son to come out of a coma. His first words to her when he awoke? "Fuck off."

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According to Marxist theory, cultural forms such as opera, classical music and the literary works of Shakespeare all fall under the heading of high culture. Low culture refers to a wide variety of cultural themes that are characterised by their consumption by the masses. We might not be Marxists, but we do know we loved Footballers Wives. If you do too, you'll know what this is all about.

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