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Fed up to the fact teeth with our London titbits? Then fear not, because we return to a more global approach to bring you these amazing facts about Thursday, July 22.
» A survey conducted in 1999 revealed that stressed-out career women were drinking to relax, and jeopardising their health as a result. We at lowculture merely drink as a result of stressed-out women related stress . . .
» . . . talking of which, it's a year since Cherie Blair belted out a rendition of "When I'm 64" by The Beatles during a diplomatic tour of China with husband Tony *shudder*.
» Her Royal Ma'amjesty The Queen was brushing up on her foreign customs in preparation for her visit to the Sultan of Brunei in 1998. The etiquette list stated she should not wear yellow, point, or sneeze in public.
» It's six years since Russian scientists revealed their latest plans for space, which lent a little more to Queer Eye than we would ever of imagined. Instead of exploring the galaxy, they wanted to launch a huge mirror into space. Why? To make Siberia more attractive by brightening the long, dark winters, of course.
» July 22 certainly isn't without problems for the aforementioned Her Royal Highnessty. It's exactly a year since a 17-year-old guest at her summer garden party dropped his trousers and ran about, shouting "Wahey!".
» Police began a search for Kylie after her neighbours reported seeing her being bundled into a car outside her flat. It later turned out it was not the peachy-arsed one at all, but a lookalike being filmed for a documentary.
» Happy birthday to: Superman and Priscilla Queen of the Desert star Terence Stamp (65); and chirpy actress Bonnie Langford (40). And of course, belated birthday greetings go to Mollie Sugden, whose birthday was apparently yesterday (thanks, David!). Ms Sugden was too busy unravelling the matted hair from her pussy to let us know personally, you see.

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According to Marxist theory, cultural forms such as opera, classical music and the literary works of Shakespeare all fall under the heading of high culture. Low culture refers to a wide variety of cultural themes that are characterised by their consumption by the masses. We might not be Marxists, but we do know we loved Footballers Wives. If you do too, you'll know what this is all about.

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