Thursday, August 17, 2006
'Leyne on me
Oh. Dear. » I care more about this than I do the general elections. » Disliking a Big Brother housemate for being a bit over the top or slightly disingenuous is like criticising a Lowculturer for watching a bit too much telly. » Personally, I'm not sure why Ash's voice is so unendingly hilarious to people, but then I live in east London where every school kid on the bus speaks like Ash whatever colour they happen to be… I think that the accent is one of those things that just happens in multi-cultural Britain… I find it slightly politically dubious (that) Nikki clearly believes Ash is less of a person than her for being what Nikki so charmingly termed on day 43 as "a wannabe black". By Paul :: Post link
We've just taken the dust cover off the LOWCULTURE typewriter to do Thursday's Aisleyne update and what is the first thing we see on the E4 live feed?
Yes, that's right – our heroine sitting alone in the garden, sobbing "I wanna go home". Christ knows what that's all about. She's obviously not heard that the whole world has gone absolutely bonkers for her. The flippin' BBC have even been doing stories about our campaign. There hasn't been a furore like it since the entire internet mistakenly believed we had pictures of one of the very first American Idol contestants with her tits out way back in February 2003.
Anyway, while we collectively retch over the fact that Pete has now announced that his dead friend has appeared to him as a fucking sunbeam telling him he's ABSOLUTELY DEFINITELY going to win or some shite like that, let's have a look at what you've all been saying about the woman of the hour today:
» This is a Stalinist dictatorship and any opinions other than our official pro-Aisleyne stance will not be tolerated.
» Well I'm not voting for Aisleyne because I don't care enough, but today I convinced three people at work not to vote for Pete, so that's my contribution to the cause.
» I can't see anyone beating Pete now but if she could beat Richard, that would be a nice consolation.
» I've taken to coming on here quite often during the evening's BB and not even watching it, instead reading other people's opinions about the very show I'm not watching.
And here's another pearl of extreme wisdom from LOWCULTURE messageboard member You Better Know Yourself, whose list of Aisleyne's tallcomings started off this whole hoo-ha:
As for all you haters on the LOWCULTURE messageboard who've been accusing Aisleyne of being "fake" because of the way she speaks, let's round off today with a thought from Grace Dent's gorgeous Radio Times Big Brother Blog:
Well, quite!
» Other candidates are available. ::
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This is a campaign for Aisleyne, but also a crusade for justice.
By 1:18 am
, atPete's 'angel' comments made me feel a bit sick. How strange that he hasn't said fuck all for 12 weeks and now all of a sudden he won't shut up. He's getting an awful lot of camera time while the edits only show Aisleyne if she's midway through a fag or rolling her eyes. After watching last night, I've come to the conclusion that Jennie could do with a bucket of water over her head for 'switching' on Aisleyne just because Nikki's told her to. God I can't believe I'm taking this so seriously.
Vote for Aisleyne. It will p!ss off Grace.
By 10:40 am
, at
Long live the mighty Ash!
Forget Pete's manipulative and desperate attempts to wring sympathy from his housemates and votes from the viewers - the voice from heaven bullshit was the apex of his personal campaign to win. He's basically saying that if you don't vote for him you're proving that heaven doesn't exist and so a vote for him therefore is a vote for eternal life! Meglomania? Ezamana. Or whatever that word is.
The Tourette's shield has protected him from criticism so far and now that the finish line is in sight the steely determination to beat the others is shining through the meek facade so many people thought was sweet.
Aisleyne is the only deserving winner of this year's show - she's Jean Harlow with Muhammed Ali's heart - and without her it would have been a non-event.
~ Graham W
By 1:04 pm
, atI totally agree - Aisleyne is a professional Big Brother contestant. She is the best communicator and gives everyone a chance, Ash listens to what people have to say and gives excellent advice. She is patient and thoughtful to the rest of the housemates. She may walk around with her bottom out (which I have to admit is a bit nasty) but she does have respect for her housemates. You have to look at the bigger picture when you are choosing a winner - and I am totally backing Aisleyne! Why do her housemates give her such a hard time? last night she was only relaying what BB had told her RE: collecting costumes & wigs - how thick was Jennie err they do have cameras in there you know guys, I dont think "I am looking for it" will wash! Poor Aisleyne.
By 1:37 pm
, atAsh is the kind of girl you thought you should'nt be-beautiful,complicated and able to change. She obviously does'nt fit the "plastic", "dumb" stereotype. Its time we see more woman like her on telly. Just to reassure ourselves that we make stupid comments and sometimes behave like a bitch, but we learn and change. Shes a true role model!
By 5:11 pm
, at
Well I'm just sure you WON'T print this but here goes.
I don't like Ash one bit. I don't like her phony ghetto stance. Yes I said it, it's PHONY. She's no more from the ghetto than Pete is. Camden is NOT a slum. I don't like her phony "I'm a tough girl so don't mess with me" rap. YEs I said it, it too is PHONY. People who are truly tough don't go around telling people they are.
She knew who was popular before she entered the house and she's tried desperately to stay close and friendly with them. As if anyone believes that she loves Nikki. ROFLMAO.
I don't like liars so I don't like Ash. You are welcome to love her phony cellulite ridden bum but I for one will be happy to see her go next!
By 9:35 pm
, at
Ash to win I say!
Jennie: I'd rather watch marmite soak into bread. Contributes as much to the house as Geroge W Bush does to the "theres no WAY a twat could run the worlds biggest super power" debate.
Nikki: We're laughing AT you, not WITH you, you spoilt little cow! Show me anyone more deserving of a firm back hander and I'll call you a fibber!
Pete: "if you don't vote for me heaven doesn't exist". Fuck off.
Richard: 3rd place. I like Dickie, he's a nice fella and his heart is well and truly in the right place.
Glynn: 2nd place. I dismissed him as 'out of his depth' and a prick after week one. And some other things. But I'm running out of space. Openly guffaws at Nikkis petulance, wanked in the shower. Top man.
Ash: Funny, caring, not constantly looking at herself in the mirror. Top girl, don't let the bullies win - and has a fantastic arse, what's up with you people!!
By 1:41 am
, at