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Your Eurovision Winner

Hello Babies! She is I, Gilgiola, and I am released to prowl Europe again to bring all last news and gadget to him of the Eurovisión.

Saturday was the time of my annual pilgrimage to the Centre of the Television in London for the recording of Make It's Mind For Above.

Watching Natasha Kaplinski presenting of the last year, it felt to Me safe that the BBC had reversed their policy of not allowing talentless ladies of elderly years on their demonstration.

Thus, they determined to me that finally, it would be time to return to live my own glory on the Eurovisión. I would be going furtively on the stage and making sure that I would have to be sent to Athens by the BBC with the winning act.

And oh Babies! As you can see, cavorting around behind Daz, is Me as one of the girls of School. It enchants Me greatly to be chosen to represent your country with my abilities that dance and young beauty. I am only sad that the winner was not the Costa of Antony, because I would greatly love touching it in the inner leg.

See it in Athens, Babies!

By Paul :: Post link :: ::  
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One word: Su-flippin-perb!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:10 am  

Oh, that crazy fucking bitch.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:16 pm  

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