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Sugar daddy

BUSINESS! The Apprentice, BBC2, 9.00pm

We're three weeks into the new series now, and any doubt we might have had about this series' possible failure to live up to the brilliance of the first one has been completely vanquished - we're absolutely loving it. Admittedly, having cut our teeth on the American version, there are a few things we miss - namely the fantastic O'Jays title sequence and Trump's right-hand woman Carolyn Kepcher - but there's so much to keep our attention here. We don't know if it counts as water cooler television if you don't have a water cooler to stand around whilst discussing last night's TV, but last Thursday in our office this show was definitely the hottest topic of conversation.

So, what's on the agenda for this week, then? Well, loose cannon (and we really mean that - she's pretty much tied together with string) Jo appoints herself project manager for Velocity, desperate to prove herself after last week's disaster where Nargis refused to listen to her and pressed ahead with the awful kitten calender, much to Jo's chagrin. Over on Invicta, however (and we love their team name, since we hail from Kent), the men just really need to learn to stop having meetings about how to have meetings. It makes for hilarious television, but it really hampers their ability to get the job done.

This week's taste is a good'un - Sir Alan provides a list of goods that he wants the two teams to bring home, on the understanding that the teams will have to haggle and barter to get the goods for the lowest price possible. We're interested to see if Velocity will stick to their successful tactic from the first task, and just rub their boobs all over people until they get given things for free. Given Sir Alan's evident distaste for such practices (proof if it were ever needed that he is definitely NOT Donald Trump), we'd advise against it. Invicta have, of course, self-admitted master negotiater Syed who will, we're sure, want to take charge with this one. Who's getting fired tonight? Well, we have no idea, but we're certainly not planning to bet against it being Jo any time soon...

By Steve :: Post link :: ::  
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