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And the best thing about Making Your Mind Up was?

Rustie. Fucking. Lee.


By Paul :: Post link :: ::  
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I am a low-culturist who has moved to a strange land and is gutted to have missed Ms Rustie Lee- how was the grand old lady of the laugh?

I have seen Rust' on two shows in the last few years, in very different circumstances. The first appearance was on Central News where she was devestated to have been incorrectly sent court letters over unpaid parking tickets which were not hers. She sat on a beautiful DFS sofa in her drawing room and cried real tears (that sounded strangely similar to her laffff) and could have passed for (a stockier) Meryl Streep. Most upsetting.

Fast forward a year or two and during the BBC's all-night coverage of the Gen Election she popped up again- standing as an MP for the Wyre Forest constituency. She didn't do well, bless her, but she smiled like it was the good old days even when they read out her paltry number of votes. The BBC reporter was incredulous- "I can't believe it- Rustie Lee." It was naturally the zenith of his career.

Back in the studio David Dimbleby (or whoever the one who hosts Question Time is) was bemused- "Who is this Rustie Lee?" he said, his voice quavering with some previously-unexplored desire.

"She's a legend," the report concluded. Bang on.

There are not enough old black faces from the past reappearing on our magic box- I don't count Floella Benjamin, obviously, as she hasn't aged a day since she hosted Play School. That woman's sold her soul.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:41 pm  

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