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Hey sister, go sister, soul sister...

NURSE! No Angels, Channel 4, 10.00pm

It's 10pm, it's Channel 4, so the chances are that means it's time for something a bit saucy. In this case, it's naughty nurses saga No Angels, which returned last week for a third - and rumoured final - series. It perhaps hasn't captured an audience in quite the same way that Teachers did in its heyday, but the performances are winning, the characters seem real enough, and it's almost impossible for us not to enjoy something that has Jo Joyner in a starring role.

This week, Anji lays plans to travel India following her dramatic decision to quit nursing. Under normal circumstances we'd be all "pshaww, she'll be back on the ward by the end of the episode", but then this is rumoured to be the final series so perhaps it's not impossible for such drastic changes to be contained within the plot. That said, there are still six episodes to go after this so our money's on a change of heart somewhere along the line. Anji's departure could be the catalyst for some interesting development on the wards, though - Beth is worried that Kate and Lia might not want anything to do with her without Anji around. If this were a more heterosexual website, we'd suggest that they put on their uniforms and have a mudfight to settle their differences, but we'll settle for them achieving it however they want to, really.

If this isn't your cup of tea, however, don't forget the marvellous Thin Ice over on BBC2 at the same time, co-written by LOWCULTURE favourite Simon Carlyle. This week, Barbara sabotages the Junior Penguins skateathon. Ooooh!

By Steve :: Post link :: ::  
2 pop-up comments :: Discuss on messageboard


Rumoured to be the final series? Channel 4 have been advertising it as "the final series of No Angels".

By Blogger Adrian, at 1:42 pm  

Rumoured to be the final series? Channel 4 have been advertising it as "the final series of No Angels".

By Blogger Adrian, at 1:42 pm  

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