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It's got Wood

VINTAGE! Comedy Connections, BBC1, 10.35pm

We apologise to those of you with a delicate constitution for the above headline, but we just couldn't help ourselves. Anyway, we wouldn't normally recommend Comedy Connections, fine series that it is, on here because watching the analysis of comedy is never quite as funny as watching comedy itself, but when we discovered the subject we found we couldn't resist. This instalment focuses on Victoria Wood's cult canteen-based sitcom dinnerladies, not only a firm favourite of ours, but also coincidentally a show we revisited on DVD just today without even knowing this show was on. Hmm, is LOWCULTURE psychic? We could make lots of money out of that. Not to mention go touring around middle America in a vintage car with two really hot brothers.

Opinion is fairly split on whether dinnerladies was fairly brilliant or fairly awful. We absolutely loved it, but the very old-fashioned premise and the play-to-the-back-row acting didn't agree with some viewers. For those of us who only have to hear the words "it was never like this at the Café Bonbon" to dissolve into uncontrollable mirth, this should be a fantastic insight. We're promised appearances from all the stars of the show, getting back together to discuss the backstage processes - if nothing else, it will be nice to see an episode of this where there is no story of an acrimonious split between the actors bringing the show to an end.

We can't wait. We won't be out, after all: we're agoraphobic. We fell off a diving board in Guernsey. And did we tell you about all those old nighties we got from Sophia Loren? Covered in tomato stains from when she'd been eating in bed...

By Steve :: Post link :: ::  
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According to Marxist theory, cultural forms such as opera, classical music and the literary works of Shakespeare all fall under the heading of high culture. Low culture refers to a wide variety of cultural themes that are characterised by their consumption by the masses. We might not be Marxists, but we do know we loved Footballers Wives. If you do too, you'll know what this is all about.

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