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Con touch this

TRICKS! Hustle, BBC1, 9.00pm

Guh? A new series of Hustle airing on...Friday night? We're confused. Doesn't this sort of material usually go out on a Tuesday or a Wednesday, when everyone's in need of a bit of midweek glamour to see them through to Friday in the first place? Then again, since Channel 4's Friday night comedy zone is starting to show some wear and tear, perhaps this is a canny move on the part of the BBC to reclaim that timeslot for themselves. We'll be interested to see how that works out for them, anyway.

So, the con is on once more, and this week's guest star is Mel Smith - a pub owner with an interesting trade in immigrant-smuggling. Needless to say, the gang has their collective eye on stitching this bastard up good and proper (we're still waiting for this show to give us a mark who's a little bit sympathetic so that we can truly test the tricksters, but perhaps we're expecting a little too much depth from unashamed fluff such as this) in order to get their lives back to the manor to which they are accustomed. Oh yes: they're lying low after Danny blew their last big sting. Again.

The sting involves Mel's son, an aspiring yet appalling rapper, so we're hoping for some top comedy rapping that Ali G could be proud of. There are even celebrity guest appearances from Linford Christie and Sara Cox, and we're extremely interested to see how they work those two into the whole thing. Aw, Hustle: we missed you.

By Steve :: Post link :: ::  
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